Tawfiq Amrani on online battles: “This is the worst, but you have to create your own atmosphere” Breaking // Dance Check it out ›
Drosha about Open Your Mind: “Here creativity is much more important than technique” Dance // Experimental Dance Check it out ›
Max Kneefel: “When you walk a bit, you see so much more than when you are on a bike” Dance // Sports Check it out ›
Stephan Velema: “Actually, we as an audience were raised as storytellers” Arts // Dance // Sports Check it out ›
Five dancers who rock their own style like no other; Zoopremes favorites Breaking // Dance Check it out ›
Jing Wang about Kozen: “My starting point is to promote a healthy community” Breaking // Dance // Experimental Dance // Hiphop // Popping Check it out ›
Zoopreme about dance and power moves: “We make something simple just really nice” Breaking // Dance Check it out ›
Beste danser: “Hoe hoger het industrieniveau, hoe lager de waarden zijn” Breaking // Dance // House Dance // Read Check it out ›
Dear dancer: “The higher the industry, the lower the values” Breaking // Dance // House Dance Check it out ›
Urban Culture Weekend // Discover Urban Eindhoven Arts // Dance // Music // Spoken Word // Sports Check it out ›