Selim Haase: Helping people further is giving me energy
Earlier this year we’ve introduced producer and industrial designer Selim Haase to you. With his idea he won the first innovative pitch competition organized by EMOVES. He won a sum of money and coaching to further develop his idea. Selim has now graduated from TU / e: he completed the Industrial Design course with an 8, with a prototype of a device that ensures that rappers can independently apply effects such as autotune during a live show. Selim is happy to guide you in his development.
For his graduation thesis Selim worked with four local artists, including Laylo from Eindhoven and Marwan from Tilburg: “I really wanted to involve them so that they could also influence the process and that they can also find part of themselves in the product. And if they have confidence in me, they are happy to invest their time in testing.” Due to the Corona measures, his trajectory looked a bit different than originally thought: “I was going to do a live show at the university, but that was canceled. Fortunately, one of the artists wanted to perform streaming for his digital audience. I gave each of the artists the product for a week to see how they deal with it, to see how quickly they learn it. The reactions are positive so I have decided that I want to continue with this.”
With the support from EMOVES, Selim explored the business side of his design career: “I was able to spar with Jasper van Es and Kareem Gazuani about how I can tackle things and in which direction I should think. In addition, I ended up at Owow through Jasper, a company that has also done innovation in music. The owner did a similar graduation project in his time, so he was able to give me tips on how to turn it into a business.”
And that company will come, if it is up to Selim: “I have now received a validation: there is a potential and that can just work. Now I want to make the transition to a start-up and that is why I am currently looking at patent strategies, whether it’s necessary at all and how I can protect myself. Then I want to put it in a bigger light.” Because of this patent investigation, Selim likes to keep the name of the product and the appearance of the prototype in private for a while, but your on-duty editor can assure you that both are on point.
Before the product comes on the market there will be more testing and tweaking: “I want to develop it further by working with a small group of well-known artists who are known for their autotune use. By working with a small group of people it can be done. controlled growth, so that not everything breaks down with one mistake. I want to do that first, before it comes on the market, so we will be at least a year and a half further. In the meantime, I focus on developing a pro version for the professional artists and a version that is very accessible to other artists, because that is actually the whole project originated: the goal was to make something accessible for emerging artists. I see that there is interest from above, I go along with that But ultimately the goal is to be able to hit as many people as possible.”
Fortunately, in addition to designing and doing business, there is enough space left for his work as a producer: “At the moment I earn enough from producing and making clips to not have a permanent job. It’s not a lot, but enough to keep it running. I work with established artists who got to know me through word of mouth. I do sessions with them at their studio or label and when the song is about to be released, a contract is drawn up and that is my earnings model. In addition, I enjoy working with emerging artists, then I take on a more coaching role.”
About four years ago Selim entered a few competitions for producers. That eventually led to collaborations with Johnny 500, Jairzinho and Skinto & Stepherd, among others: “One of the prizes I won was to work with emerging rappers in the studio for a few days. Then I got the hang of it: I like it. great to work with people instead of sitting alone in my attic room. Through one artist I ended up with another and when you release music your name is there and then other artists just contact you. Quite quickly, actually. And naturally. I’ve never had to DM or email anyone.”
Selim already envisions how production and entrepreneurship should relate to each other in the future: “At a certain point I want to produce less and do more and more innovative projects within the music industry, with a strong focus on the independence of artists. Helping people further is something that gives me energy. I want to focus on the bigger picture, because the concept I did for my graduation project is not the only thing I can do. I have many more ideas.”
Selim drew the drive to help others further from his own learning experiences: “Although I did university, I learn most from people who demonstrate or tell something from my own experience. I find that more interesting than books and it has yielded results in my development. I am grateful for all those people who have given me that. I would like to give it back to others.”